
During the beginning phase of the process, it’s important to determine the goals of the website; for example, lead capturing, sales or to provide information. These goals will dictate the design of the website as it strives to meet this goal.


Your website needs to have consistent branding in order for the user journey off-line to compliment the user journey online. An example would be the logos on your letterhead which should match the logos on your website.


Start converting design to alive website. Once the website has been fully developed, it needs to go through Quality Assurance by testing all links, functionality etc. This process can be time consuming, but is necessary in order to avoid any errors when pushing live.


When all testing has been completed, it’s time to transfer the website to the live server where the website will be hosted.


Keep your content fresh by updating it at least once a month with new blog posts. When products or services get added to your business, it’s important to transfer that information to your website, where your users have easy access.


I’m sure you have some questions about web design. I’ve prepared some answers for you.

Am I limited to WordPress, or can I use a different CMS?

I can use a different platform if you requested, although depending on the complexity of the system additional charges may be incurred.

How long does it take to create a website?

Every client is different. Personal preferences aside, they also have different goals for their online businesses. For this reason, the time it takes to create a website is variable – the time it takes for one site may not be the same as it takes for another. Rest assured, however, that I will have your website up and running within a reasonable time frame.

Can I host my own website?

Absolutely! After the project is completed, you have the option of moving your website to our sister hosting company at a reduced cost, or to a different hosting provider of your choice. You are free to transfer your website to any host you wish as soon as IP rights have been transferred over to you.

How many changes can I make to my website?

During the initial design process, you can make as many changes to your design as long as it is within the same scope of work. Once the design is finalized, major changes can no longer occur. All of my themes use Page Builders which allow my clients to easily build pages, with unlimited layouts, through a drag and drop user interface, without the need for coding knowledge after the final QA.

Where will my website be hosted during development?

I create a temporary hosting environment for you. The URL will be provided to you once I run the site through our initial QA.

What do you use to make websites?

I primarily use WordPress for the CMS. (It’s what my website was made with!) Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator are used for graphic design. My themes are built with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and PHP.

Can i make changes to my own website?

Absolutely! All my themes also use Page Builders which allow my clients to easily build pages, with unlimited layouts, through a drag and drop user interface, without the need for coding knowledge after the final QA. If you’re not comfortable with making edits yourself, I will be more than happy to make them for you!

Who owns my website?

You do! After final payment is received, all rights and intellectual property to the created content is transferred to you. Your website domain is registered in your name, so you can renew, cancel, or transfer at any time.
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