7 Powerful Content Writing Tips for 2017 Bloggers

7 powerful content Writing tips for Bloggers

Content marketing is the most powerful advertising tool in today’s internet age. And the most potent content marketing agent is content writing. Not only can powerful, engaging content generate a lot of leads, it can also single-handedly convert prospects into customers.

Here are seven powerful content writing tips that will make you a better blog writer. These are all easy to learn and apply so you can get to work and test them immediately after reading this post.

1.) Follow the Rule of Three

You have probably experienced being undecided on many examples you should cite in your article. When in doubt, go with three; use three words, give three examples, add three adjectives, etc. There is simply something about threes that is fascinating to readers.

Here are some examples of the use of the rule of three:

  • A smart man, a religious man, and a military man walk into a bar…
  • There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.
  • Read my lips: no new taxes.

2.) Use Proper Spacing

Super long paragraphs were used in print because each extra line costs money. In blogging, you are free to use as many lines as you want so don’t hold back. Use spacing whenever you think it’s applicable.

Proper spacing makes a copy pleasant to the eyes. It makes the article appear presentable and not overwhelming to look at. The most commonly used way of using blank space in content writing is dividing up ideas.

List down all the ideas you want to cover in your piece. Then, discuss only one or two of those ideas in each paragraph. Short paragraphs will make reading your article less cumbersome.

Short paragraphs also allow the reader to process each idea completely before moving on to the next one. This improves retention and enhances the power of your write-up.

3.) Write Short Sentences

Keep your writing simple and steer clear from using compound-complex sentences. Doing so will make your writing easier to understand.

Short sentences also help the reader go through your blog post faster. The reader won’t have to reread a sentence because it contained too much information. The reader will be more engaged if he can read the piece continuously.

Using simple sentences also lowers the grade level needed to understand your writing. This means that your blog posts will be more accessible.

4.) Get Feedback

Talk to other bloggers about your writing. Getting advice from other, more experienced bloggers is one of the fastest ways to make your writing better.

There are numerous places on the World Wide Web where you can converse with other bloggers. Offer feedback on their writing and you’ll get feedback on yours. This also gives you an opportunity to build relationships with seasoned writers.

Use social media to join or build a good network people willing to provide good and constructive feedback on your work. Always assume a first draft is never good enough. Good editing can take you from being a decent writer to being a great one.

5.) Practice Editing

Always assume there’s room for improvement when reviewing your first draft. Proper editing can turn a decent blog post into a great one.

Read your first draft several times. Look for areas that can be improved. Hunt for superfluous words that can be simplified.

Review your work. Edit it. Then review it again. Rinse and repeat until you are satisfied with the version of the draft you’ve just read.

Great writers spend more time editing than writing. Make editing a part of your blogging process and it will eventually feel natural to you.

6.) Let it Simmer

Avoid writing your article a few hours before the deadline. It is best if you finish it at least a day before.

Proofreading becomes more effective if you’ve already rested and slept. While what you’ve written is still fresh in your memory, spotting typos and grammatical errors won’t be easy. A good night’s sleep will refresh your mind.

Doing your proofreading the next day makes it easier to see what you’ve actually written.

7.) Learn to Filter Criticisms

The World Wide Web can be a harsh place. You will inevitably encounter criticism of your content writing. You should get used to it.

Learn to treat criticism correctly and it can become a huge asset. After all, you are getting free feedback. You just need to filter out useful, constructive criticisms from mindless, pointless ones.

Learn to ignore lone criticisms. But when you start seeing the same criticism from different sources, you should start paying attention.


These 7 content writing tips will help you become a great blogger. However, they won’t be enough to make you an excellent one.

Writing is a skill. You need practice, a lot of practice, to hone it. Write regularly, using all 7 tips each time, and you will surely get better and better.


It took me over 10 years to be the blogger I am today. Don’t rush it and be patient. Let these tips be the foundation of your content writing and they will guide you through your journey as a blog writer.

I wish you luck on your content writing endeavor. Let us meet on the World Wide Web soon, my fellow blogger. If you want more from me, just visit AwesomeMarky.

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