Double Your Lead Generation with These Simple yet Effective Content Marketing Hacks

Effective Content marketing Hacks

Content marketing is the current king of lead generation. It is what gives lead generation the power to attract prospects and give your business a steady influx of new customers. Most business owners and marketing professionals already know the basics of content marketing for lead generation. What I will share with you today are content marketing hacks that are so powerful they can double your lead generation almost overnight.

1. Write long form, informative content.
Instead of writing several 500-word articles, write one that is at least 2,400 words long. Provide value to your readers with an in-depth take on the subject you are covering. Readers will appreciate the amount of information you’ve made available. Google and other search engines will love it too.

Long content, however, does not give you an excuse to be vague or repetitive. Make sure each sentence adds something to the article.

Internet users also love skimming so make your article skim-friendly. Keep the paragraphs short, 4 sentences max. Use subheadings. Also, use bullets when it fits.

2. Use content upgrades for your lead magnets.
Don’t just have pop-ups asking for information randomly appear on your content. Most readers will find it annoying. Offer the readers something in return for providing you with their email and other relevant information. And this offer should be relevant to the content they are currently reading.

Use content upgrades to enhance their experience. For example, if you are talking about the causes and symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, you can offer them videos of carpal tunnel exercises in exchange for their information. Or if the article is about computer programming, you can offer a cheat sheet with code snippets.

3. Link to webinars directly within the content.
A webinar is the single most effective lead generation tool available today as you can immediately get the name and email of everyone who signs up for the event. A webinar also doubles as a marketing tool. If you capture the interest of the participants during the webinar, it will be a lot easier to sell your product or service to them.

Use your content to set up for pitching the webinar. Put a link to the webinar within the content. Preferably, the reader will see the link after he’s already invested in what your content is saying. If you manage to provide the reader with a strong need to know more, he will definitely click the link and sign up for your webinar.

4. Include shareable quotes in the body of your content.
Quotes are powerful marketing tools. A memorable quote stays with the reader and is likely to get passed along. Include a few notable quotes in your article and then make it easy for your audience to share them through social media.

There are various WordPress plugins to help you with this. Click to Tweet, for example, allows readers to share content on Twitter with just one simple click.

5. Include share buttons on your web page.
Make it easy for your readers to share the article on their favorite social media site. This can be done by simply adding share buttons right after the article. If your audience thinks the content was a good read, they will be eager to tell other people about it. Help them do so.

I hope this article helps improve the results of your lead generation efforts. If you want more tips on doing business, just follow me at AwesomeMarky.

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