SEO Copywriting Top 10 Tips of 2017

Top 10 successful tips for SEO Copywriting

Google processes an average of 40,000 search queries per second from the more than 3 billion internet users worldwide. Leveraging Google’s massive user base is the best way to drive traffic to your website. And the most effective way of reaching Google users is through SEO Copywriting.

SEO Copywriting is the process of creating excellent content that will rank well in Google’s SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) and generate highly qualified leads for the organization. SEO-friendly content can be informative, entertaining, persuasive, controversial, etc. i

The primary goal of SEO copywriting remains the same – establish the business as a trusted and reliable resource and convince readers to take a particular action.

Writing quality content that appeals to both readers and Google’s algorithm can be quite challenging. It is both a science and an art form. Here are top 10 SEO copywriting tips of 2017 that will help boost your rankings and connect to your target audience more effectively.

1.) Research Relevant Keywords

Keywords serve as the foundation of any copywriting campaign. You should be aware of what your target consumers are using to search for the product or service that you offer. Below are some of the best keyword research tools available today:

Take note of a keyword’s search volume and level of competition. The ideal keyword is one with a large search volume and low level of competition. Choose a mix of short-tail (currently popular search terms) and long-tail (currently unpopular search terms that might become popular in the near future) keywords.

Check the websites of your biggest competitors and analyze their choice of keywords. Check the search volume and competition of these keywords using your keyword tool to determine which of them you can also adopt.

Use one high search volume keyword as the focus keyword of each of your webpages. Each page should also have a few minor keywords.

2.) Target Both Humans and Search Bots

Your content should be aimed, first and foremost, to human visitors. But don’t ignore search bots either. They should be your secondary targets.

Focus on making your content useful for your readers. If you write only to sell, your audience will surely notice and leave. Use a personal, organic touch to convince readers of your sincerity.

Don’t stuff your content with keywords. It will annoy your readers and search bots will penalize you for it. And don’t do any black hat tricks either. Don’t try to outsmart Google search bots because it is something you can never do.

3.) Present the Facts

Use evidence to back up what you’ve written. This will help establish your credibility. Present statistics and other objective forms of evidence. Cite your sources and give credit where credit is due.

Don’t steal the content of others. Write your own. Copy-pasting content will get you in trouble with both search bots and influencers.

4.) Provide Answers

Internet users do Google searches to look for answers. Find out what questions your target prospects are asking and provide those answers. Make it your job to address their needs and concerns and satisfy their interests.

Your content should be informative. There should be no senseless fluff. Each sentence should add something to the copy. Your content should also be engaging. Get your readers invested so that when you make a call to action, they will make the response you want them to make.

Describe how your product or service can satisfy what your readers want or need without sounding like you want to sell them something.

5.) Speak the Language of Your Audience

Know your audience and speak their language. If your vocabulary is too fancy or too technical, your reader will get confused and leave. On the other hand, if your content is too simple and you explain each term, your readers will be annoyed and insulted because they’ll feel as if you are treating them like children.

Speak to your audience in a natural voice. Make it conversational and personal. Make them feel as if they are having a normal face-to-face conversation with you. Review your draft and make sure it is something can say to someone comfortably.

6.) Keep Your Titles Brief and Concise

Writing click-worthy titles should also be part of your SEO copywriting strategy. Your titles should represent accurately what is contained in your article or blog post. Avoid super long titles or they will get truncated when they are shown on the SERPs.

Max title length is 71 characters for desktop and 78 characters for mobile but keeping your title tags to around 50 characters is ideal.

Your title should be catchy and descriptive. Most internet users generally scan a title then decide if they want to check out the article or blog post or not so make sure your title contains your focus keyword. Use the focus keyword in the URL too.

7.) Do not Ignore Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions have no effect on search bots and therefore do not influence your search ranking. However, they can have a huge impact on convincing the user to check out your content.

Without a Meta description, Google will simply display the first 156 characters of your content. The first 156 characters of your copy might not be encouraging enough to compel the reader to click. Write a Meta description that can do the job.

Organically incorporate your focus keyword on the Meta description and make sure it says exactly what your content offers. After the Meta title, the Meta description is the next thing a Google user looks at when choosing which page to open.

8.) Make Proper Use of Internal Links

Internal links not only make it easier for users to navigate your site, they also make it easier for search bots to crawl your content. Include links to other pages that provide relevant information to a page’s content. This will encourage the reader to explore your site more.

Don’t overdo it. All the links should lead only to highly relevant content. Too many links will make your page look cluttered.

9.) Include Calls-to-Action (CTAs)

Ultimately, the mission of SEO copywriting is to drive the reader into performing a particular action that will contribute to the realization of the business’ objectives. Such action may be providing his email and other personal information, downloading an eBook, or making a purchase.

Your content needs to get the reader invested. When he is fully convinced of your credibility, you should present him with a call-to-action to advise him on what he should do next. Your CTAs should be strong and succinct. Include a few of them on each page.

10.) Keep It Simple and Clean

Keep your copy simple and clean. Don’t overdo the use of formatting and don’t use too many images. Make it easy to read and avoid any distracting elements. Use fonts that are pleasant to the eyes such as Arial, Impact, and Times New Roman.

Use these 10 SEO copywriting tips and you’ll establish yourself as an authoritative resource in no time. For more useful tips on how to grow your business online, check out AwesomeMarky.

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